Welcome to 'Villa Verbinding'
We officially opened our doors!
‘Villa Verbinding’ translates as ‘House of Connection’. We are a mental health treatment and educational centre and specialize in systemic therapy. We believe relationships and connection are at the heart of everything. We therefore can only help adults and kids struggling with all sorts of mental health problems, if we first help them reconnect to the important people around them.
Research convincingly shows that mental health problems can be precipitated, exacerbated and buffered against by the quality of interpersonal relationships in families. This means that we will actively seek to involve significant others in our treatment, this could be the parents, a brother or sister or a neighbour or teacher. Knowing we have others around us who understand us and who we can go to for support, helps us feel better. At least we no longer have to face our difficulties alone. We do this by providing families and couples with a safe space in which they can explore and come to understand the dynamics at play in their relationships.
Difficult and painful emotions are spoken about and worked through. This also means that we start from the viewpoint that there never is one individual family member to blame or that one person forms ‘the problem’. We do not believe in bad parents or problematic kids. Rather, difficulties in relationships are formed in the dynamic between people. We seek to mobilise the strengths of the family and their relationships so as to make disturbing symptoms unnecessary or less problematic.
This also means that we do not care for individual pathologizing or classification of individual diagnoses such as AD(H)D. We believe this is unnecessarily reductionist and doesn’t do justice to the complex reality of the wider context in which we live and interact with each other.
‘Villa Verbinding’ offers various kinds of treatment such as family therapy, couple’s therapy, trauma therapy, psychomotor therapy and group therapy. ‘Villa Verbinding’ is besides a treatment centre also an educational centre where we offer various courses for our colleague (systemic) therapists. Our therapists are very experienced, we work in a warm, inclusive setting where everyone is welcome.
Our treatment centre is set in a beautiful, historic location on a natural estate. Most of our treatments are reimbursed by the city council or by health insurance.
For any questions you may have or if you are wondering if we can be of help to you or a family member, please do not hesitate to contact us.